Monday, January 22, 2007

Global warming

------The result of global warming basically reflects on human activity.The burning of fossil fuels pollutes the atmosphere and alters the balance of radiation on Earth through both visible particulate pollution (called aerosols) and gases that change the composition of the atmosphere. The latter are referred to as greenhouse gases because they are relatively transparent to incoming solar radiation, while they absorb and reemit outgoing infrared radiation, thus creating a blanketing effect that results in warming. For example, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations have increased by about 30% over preindustrial values as a result of human activities.
------Increases in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere produce global warming through an increase in heating at the Earth’s surface. This not only increases surface temperatures but also evaporates surface moisture. In fact, most of the heating at the surface goes into evaporating moisture which enhances the hydrological cycle. The analogy here is with the human body: if the heat is turned up, we sweat. The same is true for planet Earth.
Industralization has a hugh impact on global warming. Because the gases accumulated by the manufacturing machines it makes everything hotter. The burning of fossil fuels pollutes the atmosphere. The environmental consequences of increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide leads to the conclusion that increases during the 20th Century have produced no deleterious effects upon global weather. The global temperature is warmer now than at any time since at least 1400 AD, which is as far back as scientists have good estimates of temperatures from direct and indirect observations.
------The Kyoto Protocol started in 1997, it which calls on industrialized nations to carry out, within one decade, drastic cuts in the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) that stem mainly from the burning of fossil fuels. The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement made under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Countries that ratify this protocol commit to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases, or engage in emissions trading if they maintain or increase emissions of these gases. Some of the major countries that are part of this are Australia, Canada, China, German, Russia, and the United States. Not only did it consist of those countries but also another 163 different ones.
EFFECTS: extreme weather, the rise of sea levels, and forest fires
REDUCE ENERGY CONSUMPTION: ride a bike to get from place t place, use CFL bulbs, and turn things off more frequently
------A new invention that has had a positive influence on global warming is the Hybrid car. These cars now run on less gas then a normal car so there are less gases in the atmospher which mean it is less polluted.


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